Monday 18 June 2012

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Kanye has finished their relationship because of Amber trying to go out on him with another MC. Seemingly while Ye is hard at work in Hawaii on Rihanna and Jay-Z’s albums, amongst others, Amber’s been trying to step out him with none other then Philly artist Cassidy.

It looks the speculation in the streets about Amber Rose being nothing more than a bi-sexual opportunist is true because I hear she strived to keep her thing with Cassidy on the low. Too bad foolish Amber wasn’t smart enough to know that you can’t get anything past Mr. West.

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Amber Rose And Kanye West

Amber Rose And Kanye West



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